Vieni Fortuna is a collective experiment on the relationship between audio and text.

The project was born in December 2023, with a collective that includes the curator Ginevra Ludovici, the artist Chiara Pagano and the musicians Grosso Bernardo and Alex Often. Vieni Fortuna was carried out in a series of open sessions, each happening in the informal context of an apartment in the Sallustiano neighborhood in Rome, built on the ruins of temple of the goddess Fortuna (203 BC). On a monthly basis, the sessions are open to artists, researchers, writers, musicians, composers and poets who want to share practices and materials, on sonic journeys where improvisation is a fundamental element. Based on listening and exchanging, Vieni Fortuna brings together visions, delusions, fantasies and worlds of the participants in a single flow of sound in which the voices, amplified by different music each time, tell of the meeting and of the influence of our sensitivities. Each session is recorded in full, in multitrack, then passing through minimal post-production. The first seven meetings converged into a single track with dark sounds and dreamy, with industrial and post-punk traits, and readings that range from texts unpublished works by the participant, extracts from Georges Bataille, Kae Tempest, Charles Simic, Amelia Rosselli, Dino Campana, Paul B. Preciado, Giorgio Manganelli, among others.

@vienifortuna on IG

VF mentioned on Mousse Magazine, “Poetry’s Resurgence in Contemporary Art”